Admissions Policies:
Applicants will comply with Kansas Law, which states that a child must be five years of age on or before August 31 to enter kindergarten, or six years of age on or before August 31 to enter grade one. All kindergartners must be evaluated before the first day of school and meet reasonable academic requirements.
All parents/guardians must present the following documents for each child:
- State issued birth certificate
- Baptismal certificate
- Record of immunizations on the official Kansas Certification of Immunization form to include vaccinations for: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DPT).
- Doctors form a record of a current physical examination
Admittance Prioritization for the coming school year:
- Current School Families
- Sibling(s) of Current School Families
- St. Agnes Parish Families
- Out of Parish Families
St. Agnes is a tuition-based educational system. Current tuition rates are based on in-parish and out-of-parish status. Please contact the school office at 913-262-1686 or to get more information about the current tuition rate and to schedule a tour. Tours take place on Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Please contact the school to schedule a tour.
St. Agnes Parish subsidizes a significant portion of the budget for St. Agnes Catholic School. Therefore, in order to receive the in-parish tuition rate, a family must meet the below participating membership criteria:
- Be a registered member of St. Agnes Catholic Parish.
- Attend Mass on a weekly basis.
- Commit to raising your children in the Catholic Faith.
- Actively volunteer, sharing time and talents in the parish and school activities.
- Tithe – Contribute to the financial support of the parish through Sunday envelopes.
*Families not meeting these requirements will be charged the out-of-parish rate.
St. Agnes Catholic School feels strongly about providing a quality education to all students. Please contact the school office at 913-262-1686 or to get more information about tuition rates and financial aid.