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Written by hansen.darin

Plaid uniform pieces can be purchased at Lands’ End. Purchases may be made online by visiting our school page at
Our Lands’ End Preferred School Number: 900068933. You can purchase non plaid school uniform items on the St. Agnes Lands’ End section too. Questions on Lands’ End uniforms? Visit the Getting Started Page

Plaid uniform pieces can also be purchased at Dennis Uniform. Purchases can be made online at search for St. Agnes Roeland Park or by visiting their local store at 6322 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66211. You can purchase non plaid uniform items on their website or at their store too.

Non-plaid pieces of the uniform may also be purchased through various other outlets including: 

Spirit Day
On Spirit Days, students will wear uniform bottoms with St. Agnes spirit wear top. Spirit Wear can be purchased from our vendor St. Agnes Spirit Wear.

Dress Code

The St. Agnes uniform policy is designed to promote not only a neat and orderly appearance but also a sense of Catholic community. Students will be expected to take pride and responsibility in being dressed appropriately at all times.  Uniforms must be worn by all students at St. Agnes.

Dress Code Highlights:

  • All students must have their natural hair color.
  • All students must wear tennis shoes.
  • Belts are required for 3rd through 8th.
  • Cargo pants or pants with rivets are not permissible.

Uniform violations which are repeated, consistently, or which interfere with student work will be considered serious and will be managed on an individual basis by the administration.

No logo other than the St. Agnes Catholic School logo may be visible on any article of clothing. This includes decorative stitching or other embellishments. Uniforms must be clean, neat, in proper repair, properly worn with shirts tucked in, and fit appropriately.

*Sweatpants, jackets, and coats may not be worn in class but may be worn as an outside, weather-appropriate garment.


  • Uniforms: Preschool and pre-kindergarten are required to wear uniforms. 
  • Pants, Skorts and Shorts: Navy Blue
  • Shirts:  Plain, white or cardinal red polo-style, collared or turtleneck
    • A plain, white short sleeve t-shirt may be worn under a uniform shirt.
    • All shirts must be neatly tucked into the pants, skirt, jumper, or shorts.
  • Sweaters and Sweatshirts: Plain, navy or cardinal red
    • A crew-neck sweatshirt over a uniform shirt
    • A crew-neck, V-neck, or cardigan sweater over a uniform shirt
    • Sweatshirts or sweaters may not be worn turned inside out or tied around the waist.
    • Sweatshirts or sweaters with hoods are prohibited.
    • No plaid jumpers or skirts allowed.
    • Uniform approved spirit wear can be purchased through our vendor
      St. Agnes Spirit Wear.


  • Shirts:  Plain, white or cardinal red polo-style, collared or turtleneck
    • A plain white short sleeve t-shirt may be worn under a uniform shirt.
    • All shirts must be neatly tucked into the pants, skirt, jumper, or shorts.
  • Sweaters and Sweatshirts: Plain, navy, or cardinal red
    • A crew-neck sweatshirt over a uniform shirt
    • A crew-neck, V-neck or cardigan sweater over a uniform shirt
    • Sweatshirts or sweaters may not be worn turned inside out or tied around the waist.
    • Sweatshirts or sweaters with hoods are prohibited.
    • Uniform approved spirit wear can be purchased from our vendor St. Agnes Spirit Wear.
  • Pants and Shorts: Navy (K-8), Khaki (6-8)
    • Solid, twill, flat front or pleated slacks or shorts of the style available from the uniform supplier
    • Walking shorts of the style available from the uniform supplier may be worn during the 1st and 4th quarters of the school year. No other style of shorts is permitted.
    • Shorts must be to the knee or no more than two inches above the knee.
    • Cargo pants and shorts are prohibited.
    • A plain black, brown, or navy belt must be worn with all slacks and shorts with the exception of kindergarten through second grade.
  • Socks and Shoes: K-8
  • Socks:
    • Girls:
      • Plain solid black, navy, or white ankle length to knee socks
      • Girls can also wear St. Agnes Socks
      • Plain solid black, navy, or white tights or ankle-length leggings 
      • Sweatpants, pants, or pajama bottoms may not be worn under skirts and jumpers during school hours.
  • Boys:
    • Plain solid black, navy, or white ankle length to knee socks
    • Boys can also wear St. Agnes Socks
  • Shoes (Boys and Girls):
    • Tennis shoes only.
    • Shoes with eyelets must have shoelaces and the shoelaces must be tied.
    • Boots are not allowed during the day.
    • Open toed shoes, sandals, Crocs, and slides are prohibited at all times. 
    • Heels and soles of shoes may not exceed one inch. 
    • No shoes that leave marks or hard-soled shoes may be worn in the gymnasium.
  • Jumpers, Skirts, and Skorts: Girls K-8
    • Kindergarten through 3rd grade wear the French blue plaid jumper and skort as sold by Lands’ End and Dennis Uniform.
    • 4th grade through 8th grade wear the French blue plaid skirt and skort as sold by Lands’ End and Dennis Uniform.
    • Black or navy shorts must be worn beneath the jumpers and skirts and must be above the hemline so as not to show.
    • The hem of the jumper or skirt must be to the knee or no more than two inches above the knee.
  • Girls’ Grooming Code
    • No makeup will be permitted in K-6th grade. Clear lip moisturizer will be allowed.
    • 7th & 8th graders may wear light make-up. Girls wearing too much make-up will be asked to wash their face before entering class.
    • Hair should be neat and clean. Hair must be a natural color. 
    • Any hair accessories should not pose a distraction. No animal ears, excessive decoration, or costume-oriented accessories. 
    • One pair of small earrings may be worn: no dangling or hoops.
    • No other body piercing will be allowed.
    • A single bracelet may be worn. No ankle bracelets will be allowed.
    • A single necklace, preferably a religious medal, may be worn underneath the uniform shirts.
    • Fingernails must be kept trimmed. No nail polish. No false nails are allowed.
    • Tattoos, both permanent and temporary, are prohibited.
  • Boys’ Grooming Code
    • Hair must be above the shirt collar, above the eyebrows, and above the ear.
    • No unusual hairstyles, including, but not limited to, ponytails, shaved heads and designs cut into the hair, will be permitted. Hair must be the natural hair color.
    • No hair accessories. 
    • No body piercing, including earrings, will be allowed.
    •  Excessive jewelry will not be permitted. A religious medal is allowed.
    • No facial hair will be allowed.

Casual Days and Other Special Days
On designated non-uniform days students will be expected to dress in modest Christian attire. Sagging clothes and t-shirts with offensive words or graphics are prohibited. These include, but are not limited to: shirts with liquor, beer, tobacco logos or political/social statements. Low-cut shirts, shirts with spaghetti straps, and halters are not allowed. No ripped, low-waist, or sagging jeans are allowed. Skirts and dresses may be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.  During the 1st and 4th quarters, they are allowed to wear modest shorts (no shorter than 2 inches above the knee). Leggings can be worn with a longer tunic-type top or dress.

*Determination of the appropriateness of non-uniform dress is at the discretion of the administration.

When a student’s dress is determined to be inappropriate, parents will be called to bring the child’s uniform to school. Students who fail to follow the casual day rules will lose the privilege of dressing out of uniform on the next casual day. These same rules apply to field trips and school-sponsored activities. Children who repeatedly do not follow the dress code for casual days will lose the privilege to dress down on these days.